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Amazon Seth Abramson

Seth Abramson Speaks Out

Former Criminal Defense Attorney and Investigator Shares His Insights

Digital Literacy and the Law

Seth Abramson, a former criminal defense attorney and criminal investigator, recently spoke out about the importance of digital literacy in today's world. He emphasized that individuals need to be aware of how their online activities can be used against them in legal proceedings.

Abramson pointed to the increasing use of social media posts, text messages, and other digital evidence in court cases. He warned that even seemingly innocuous posts or messages can be used to build a case against someone.

Abramson also discussed the importance of protecting online privacy. He recommended using strong passwords and being careful about what information is shared online. He also advised people to be aware of the privacy policies of the websites and apps they use.


Abramson's insights highlight the importance of digital literacy in the 21st century. By understanding how digital evidence can be used against them, individuals can take steps to protect themselves online and avoid legal pitfalls.
